Hanna Mandl
Coach, Facilitator, Musician
In my work I like to ask deep questions, to use metaphors and ideas that foster creativity and strengthen the commitment to get a job done. I see myself as a midwife in processes of transition and change that are linked to corporate objectives and culture. A good outcome of a coaching session is heightened power of presence, clarity of focus, and level of energy.

Christoph E. Mandl
Teacher, Trainer, Process Consultant
My expertise in teaching, training, facilitation and consulting is rooted in the works of W. Brian Arthur, Gregory Bateson, Jay Forrester, Donella Meadows, Karl Popper, Otto Scharmer, Edgar Schein, Peter Senge, John Sterman and is focused on climate change and energy policy, innovation management, process consulting, systems science, and Robert Musil’s “sense of possibility / Möglichkeitssinn”.

The Co-creative Meeting
Practicing Consensual Effectivity in Organizations
Christoph E. Mandl, Markus Hauser, Hanna Mandl
This book illustrates the difference between productive and innovative organizations and what that difference means for meetings taking place in such organizations, both from a conceptual and practical point of view. It provides professionals whose job it is to organize meetings with clear and action-oriented guidelines for the design of “co-creative meetings”.

Managing Complexity in Social Systems
Leverage Points for Policy and Strategy (2nd edition)
Christoph E. Mandl
This book explores how to manage complexity in a highly interconnected world. How can complexity be managed when it cannot be reduced? This second edition has been completely updated, revised, and extended to thoroughly analyze super wicked problems such as global climate change, climate neutrality, and extremely rapid spread of epidemics.

Klimaschutz: „Wir haben keinen Tau“
Bericht über The Climate and Energy Policy Negotiation Game
Christoph E. Mandl
Bürger spielen Weltpolitik: 40 Menschen aus Wirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft trafen einander, um eine simulierte Klimakonferenz abzuhalten. Fazit: Selbst äußerst hohe CO2-Steuern reichen nicht aus, um die Pariser Klimaziele zu erreichen.

Theory U und deren Praxis
Realisieren zukunftsträchtiger Möglichkeiten unter Risiko und Ungewissheit
20. – 21. März 2025
Josef M. Weber, Christoph E. Mandl
Der Workshop richtet sich an Führungskräfte, Innovations-, OE- und Personalentwicklungsverantwortliche, in der Beratung Tätige sowie an all jene Personen, die ihren Möglichkeitssinn weiterentwickeln möchten.