Christoph E. Mandl
Christoph E. Mandl
My expertise in teaching, training, facilitation and consulting is rooted in the works of W. Brian Arthur, Gregory Bateson, Jay Forrester, Donella Meadows, Karl Popper, Otto Scharmer, Edgar Schein, Peter Senge, John Sterman and is focused on climate change and energy policy, innovation management, process consulting, systems science, and Robert Musil’s “sense of possibility / Möglichkeitssinn”.
Christoph E. Mandl
Allgemein beeideter und gerichtlich zertifizierter Sachverständiger
Siehe sein Profil als Sachverständiger
Hanna Mandl and Christoph E. Mandl
Our personal climate change and energy policy
Walk the talk is our personal motto. For that reason we transformed our house from a fossil gas consuming entity into a power station.